Saturday, March 3, 2007

Getting Closer...

I was looking at my Doc Appointment Ticker at the top of the page and thinking about my next appointment. I hope this isn't the one where I have to drink that sweet crap! Yuck. I had Lemon/Lime with DS, I'll have to try something else this time.

Wow, I'll be almost 7 months by the time I have my appointment. I'm almost to the point where I have to go every week. We are going to have a new baby in the family before I know it.

I'm part of an ivillage message board for women who are pregrant again, for the 2nd or 6th time. There was a woman who posted the other day because she was pregnant, and she had a 7 month old. She was worried that she wouldn't love the new baby as much as her DD. I'm not worried about having enough love, but I'm worried about having enough time. I don't want Landon to think that the new baby is more important than him. I know that I'll have to spend a lot of time caring for the baby, but I want to remind myself that Landon needs attention too. A good reason to NOT hold this baby every hour of the day. "It" is going to have to get used to sitting in a bouncer or swing, because my little man will want to play with his mommy too. I know I can do it and I'm glad that DH will be home for a few months after the baby is born. It will help keep both my boys busy if they have each other. (They both get kinda jealous.)

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