Tuesday, May 8, 2007

33 Weeks - 7 To Go!

Had my doctor appointment today. He said everything looks good. The heartbeat was 140, so still no clues about the sex. He thought the head was down and possibly low. Gosh I hope so. I asked him what the parts were that are pushing out and kicking me. He thought it was a butt and a heal. Good news. Baby is down and facing the correct way! Yippie.

At the next appointment, he said he will do the Group B Strep Test and check my cervix. I'm on two week appointments now, which means I'm getting closer to the end. I'll be excited to see if I've dialated since I've been having BH for a while now. It would be great if this baby came a little earlier than June 23rd. Cross your fingers. We can only hope!

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